Malmö Hantverksforening was born in 1895, but has a long history. According to information gathered from Accessor Hans Falk's history in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Society in 1926, the Hantverkssocieteten was established as a permanent organization by a regulation on February 3, 1726, and which after 1810 came to allocate funds to a charity fund. 1826 was added to the rules for 1. The Malmö individual charity institution. Which year, in 1847, was transformed into 3. Hantverkarnes in Malmö Understödsförening, which in 1856-1881 was called the Handicraft Pension Society. This was united in 1881 with the "Craftsmen's House" to a association under the name of Malmö Craftsmen's Support and Pensioners Association. In connection with the decommissioning of 1846, the factory and craft scheme 1847 was created 2. The Swedish Handicraft Association whose tasks were traded by the General Assembly. The business continued until the entry into force of the Free Trade Ordinance in 1863 when it was dissolved and its cash reserves were transferred to the Hantverkares in Malmö Support and Pension Society. The trade association's activities were resumed in 1869, and in so far as it was in accordance with the Trade Free Trade Ordinance. The association was established under the name 4. Malmö Stads Hantverksförening, and its operations continued until 1895 when it was in the Malmö Support and Pension Society. In the same year, the still-existing association was formed under the name 5. Malmö Hantverksförening.