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Description: Konung Christian I:s brev varmed han beviljar Malmö stads borgare att bärga deras gods och skepp varhelst de strandat i Danmark eller Norge.
Daterad den 3 februari 1457. På pergament. Sigillet kvar.
Se Magistraten i Malmö D 1:6 (Privilegieboken), sidan 53.


Wij Cristiern, meth gutz nathe Danmarcks, Norges, Wendes oc Gotes koning, greue i Oldenborgh oc Delmenhorst, göre alle widerlicht, at wii aff wor sönderlighe gunst oc nathe haue vnt oc tilladet oc vnne oc tillade meth thette wort obne breff, at naar swo skeer, at noghre aff wore borgheres skibh, skudher, bodhe eller gotz i Malmöghe bryste oc i land gange nogher städz j wore righe Danmarck eller Norghe, tha mwe the thet selffue bierghe oc redde, oc skal äy wäre wragh, swo at wore foghete oc embitzmen eller noghre andre omodh therres wilghe sig ther meth enchte beware skule, swo lenge wor nathe tilsigher. Thij forbiuthe wii alle wore foghete oc embitzmän, tollere oc alle andre, ehwo the helst äre, for:ne wore borghere her omodh at hindre eller hindre lade, töffue eller i nogre made therres skibh, gotz, fiskeskudher eller baade forrycke eller bort taghe vnder wor koningxlighe heffnd oc wrethe, men helder them at fordhe oc främmie oc behielpelighe at wäre meth thet beste for wore skyld. Datum in castro nostro Helsingborgh die beati Blasij episcopi et martiris nostro sub secreto presentibus appenso anno domini mcdlseptimo.
Photographer: Bo O. Andersson / Malmö Stadsarkiv
Date when image were taken: 2000-03-14
City: Malmö
Christian I
D 1:6
Magistraten i Malmö
3 februari 1457
Archive collection: Malmö Stadsarkivs bildsamling
Folders: Malmö City Archives / archival collections / 00884, Malmö City archives collection , Malmö City Archives / Öppet arkiv  
ID: 222649